(under construction)
In preparing for my personal hungerstrike, I experienced difficulty in finding information on the topic. I put this web page together in hopes of making it easier for those after me to be able to make a more informed decision on whether or not to undertake a hungerstrike. The information in here is by no means to be considered as medical advice or to be in any way exhaustive of the issues surrounding a hungerstrike.
The questions that I asked of the hungerstrikers deal almost solely with the loss of body fat and the occurrence of gastro-intestinal problems during and after the hungerstrike. However, the inevitable result of an unstopped hungerstrike will be organ failure, loss of eye-sight, brain damage, and death. Again, this website covers only a very limited amount of an extremely serious matter.
-Pierre Grzybowski
Hungerstrikes have been undertaken by many different people for many different causes. A search of the internet will reveal hundreds of articles. These are just a few examples:
Most health information seems to be under "fasting" rather than hungerstriking. The information contained in these websites could be helpful or could be very dangerous. Again, this is not medical advice.
Some Mother's Son
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last updated 12/06/00