![]() Our lives just wouldn't be the same without music, would they? The movies would bore us to tears, we would have nothing to listen to when we come home tired, and those of us who make music would have no way to express ourselves. So music is a primary focus of mine. From this page, you will find links to different areas of the web that specialize in music. Yes, I do write and sing as well. I'm registered as an artist on mp3.com, so you can download one of my songs -- "Out Too Long" -- in mp3 format, and then buy my DAM CD, featuring my music as audio tracks, mp3 tracks, and also artist information. Buy The Money Keeps Rolling In, my debut recording. CDnow is one of the most popular and reliable sources of music on the web right now. It has a large selection of music from the popular to the scarce. I also happen to be a supporter of CDnow, so I appreciate any business you send them. Eddie From Ohio is one of the best bands out there right now. They publish on Virginia Soul Records, and you can order their CDs through their web site. Their music is well worth checking out, so stop by and order something, already! Haze is a small band that produces some very big music. I discovered them through their free sample tape (featuring "Tom Dooley" and "God (Wish You Were Here"). Haze lists its influences as including Trent Reznor and Tori Amos, so this is pretty heavy music. Worth listening to.The Fatfoots is a Virginia ska band whose drummer went to the Virginia Governor's School. Check them out. Their tape is only three dollars, so what are you waiting for? If you don't see a link here you think I should have, then e-mail it to me at kallisti@slac.com. Please note that no payment has been recieved or given for these links and I do not pay to link to other sites; however, donations of small, unmarked bills are welcome at all times. |